Dr Amol Shinde

Bile duct stone removal and stenting

Bile duct stone removal and stenting are two interventional procedures used to manage complications related to stones in the bile duct. Bile duct stones can cause blockages, leading to symptoms such as jaundice, pain, and inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). Both procedures aim to alleviate these symptoms and prevent further complications.

Bile Duct Stone Removal (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography – ERCP with Stone Extraction):
ERCP with stone extraction is a procedure used to remove stones that have formed in the bile duct. Bile duct stones can develop within the bile duct itself or may migrate from the gallbladder. During the procedure:

An endoscope is inserted through the mouth and advanced into the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine.
The ampulla of Vater, the opening where the common bile duct and pancreatic duct meet, is identified.
A catheter is inserted through the endoscope and advanced into the bile duct.
Contrast dye is injected to visualize the bile duct on X-ray images.
Once the stone is identified, special tools, such as a basket or balloon catheter, are used to grasp and remove the stone from the bile duct.

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